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Our Mission:  Exceeding Customer Expectations by (eliminating waste and providing sustainability)

Yelaina Thompson, PMP
Founder and Principal  Yelaina, Founder and Principal of Zandvon is passionate about exceeding customer expectations.  Being an Air Force Brat and spending her first several years in Germany, gave her a unique sense of being able to work with professionals of all levels.  From the Construction Welder to the CEO, she speaks your language.  She is thorough and won't quit until the project is successfully completed.
Vivian Bristow
Purchasing Officer and Principal  Ms. Bristow, Principal, has a Master's Degree with  over 35 years of Purchasing experience as an Officer for the Air Force , Army, Navy and Private Industry.  She is well versed in government contracting and procurement and ensures Zandvon will be within contract compliance.
Lean Six Sigma
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